submitted by Sweetleggzz RoyMontbell “hiking umbrella”Knockaround Mai Tai’s “Black on Black”Spyderco TenaciousScotch-Brite Mini Travel Lint RollerMoleskineco2crea Hard Travel CaseLogitech MX Master 2S Wireless MouseOttterbox for iPhone XRLenovo ThinkpadMetolius FS Mini II CarabinerMatador Speed StashAer travel Pack 3Aer card walletChapstick and Microfiber clothFenix LD12 320 Lumen 2017 versionPenco black, pocket mechanical pencilblack Sharpie miniMatte black Fisher space penAlpaka Gear Hub PouchSeiko SNJ025 “Arnie”Gargoyle’s Classics safety glassesJapanese influence, as always. I work for a Japanese company and travel to Japan occasionally. The watch and umbrella are Japanese. Also showing off my movie and Arnold fandom with the safety glasses and watch.

A Black-Out Bag Dump
- Post author:
- Post published:December 26, 2022
- Post category:Reviews / Uncategorized
- Post comments:0 Comments